
Poems by Fanny

Let my poetry usher you to my photographs


hot tea

Day 162 in 2017

A bowl of hot erwtensoep, 

And a pot of hot local tea,

Are great lovers to you, 

In the days of influenza! 

They infuse warmth – like a much needed love, 

Into your feeble mortal body, 

Inducing a better feeling inside you, 

While it feels like being occupied by a furious Yakuza! 

Day 7 in 2017 

Japanese tea on Saturday 

Is like spring time in May.

Fresh as the rose water spray

On a tired face, if I may say. 

Sending the coldness away 

As the warmer air sway. 

A Mug of Hot Tea with a Darling Friend

A mug of hot tea
with a darling friend
are all what it takes
to make you feel better
from any kind of distress

A mug of hot tea
shared with a darling friend
makes it a million times better
just like a fresh rejuvenating wind

A mug of hot tea
with a darling friend
can make the sun shines brighter
and the world sparks colors more cheerfully


A mug of hot tea

with a darling friend

always brings hope alive

in the midst of a sea called anxiety

(I was holding a cup, though actually always prefer a mug)

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